Tuesday, 24 January 2017


Yesterday marked nine months or 39 weeks + 2 days of Rory being earth side. Exactly one more week to go until he's been out of my womb for as long as he was in (40 weeks + 2 days). I truly don't know where the time has went. Everyday he is doing something new, and everyday he looks bigger and older.

20lbs + 2oz. // Still toothless! He's been motoring around the house constantly, army crawling after toys, spoons, balls, anything really. He gets frustrated because he can't move fast enough. When he gets tired he just scoots from laying to sitting in 2 seconds flat. He's such a busy boy already and I can tell we are going to have our hands full when he starts walking. He loves to stand and climb and he found the stairs the other day. Good thing he's not to interested in them yet because mama's slacking with the baby gates.

It's been pretty gloomy where we live lately. It's been overcast and rainy for a week straight, so it was nice to have Andrew home on the weekend with us. Rory just loves his dad so much, he looks to him with such admiration. He makes him laugh more than I ever can and he's really connecting with him on a musical level. Andrew has been playing guitar with him and Rory wants to join along. His little hand plucking at the strings. It was absolutely precious. He even started rocking his body to the rhythm the other day and I could've cried! If any of you follow me on instagram I definitely over posted videos on my story.

After Rory was born, I had big plans to journal his birth story but days went on and I never got around to it and I'm mad at myself everyday for it. I could've done it, but as you know time gets away from us and the small details escape our memory. When we were in the hospital, Andrew actually journaled Rory's birth story from his perspective on his small cell phone screen and I am so glad that he did. So I'll choose this day to share this with you all. A celebration of Rory's life, and a celebration that we've made it this far as a family of three.


At 12:46 in the afternoon, weighing in at 8.35 lbs, this handsome fellow was welcomed into the world.

My beautiful wife Beth had quite the journey of labour and really demonstrated unbelievable strength. Early labour actually started on Wednesday afternoon at 2:00pm. I was golfing and when I came home Beth said she thought she was having contractions for a few hours but nothing unmanageable. Into the evening Beth had a few baths because her contractions got pretty intense. We called the midwife in the middle of the night to assess her but she was only 3cm dilated; Beth continued to have early labour for 40 hours. She couldn't sleep at all. Although extremely frustrated, Beth's contractions slowly petered out on Friday morning but at least she could finally get some rest.

At 2:30am on Saturday morning her contractions started again and they were at least 1 min apart with 2-5 min separation.  We decided not to call the midwife until 5 am to give the midwife some rest as we were sure we could do this part of labour at home. 

By the time the midwife came at around 5:45-6am Beth was assessed at 4.5cm dilated. So we continued labour at home for two hours. In between this time I fed Stevie, made portions for her to stay over at my parents because they're so close to the hospital, and I walked her. Beth was having her contractions and our midwife was really helpful in coaching her and relieving her pressure.

At around 7:30am Beth entered into another bath and was then re-assessed. She was 7cm! At this point we were recommended to make our way down to the hospital calmly. Easier said than done. Beth's contractions intensified and were really hurting her lower back. It took us a few contractions to get downstairs and into my car. It took another 5 or 6 contractions to get to the hospital where my dad, soon to be Lolo, was waiting to pick up Stevie. He quickly got Beth a wheelchair, I ran out of my car and grabbed Beth's purse and went into the hospital. Lolo parked the car. 

In the hospital, we had to register Beth. It was relatively quick, only two contractions.  We then made it to the fourth floor and found ourselves into room 13 in L&D. I should mention that I jammed the wheelchair into the door while I was wheeling Beth in. Although she wasn't hurt, she couldn't resist yelling out the expletives! Who can blame her right!?

So all in all we got to room 13 at around 8:30am. From that point, it was on. Beth was in transition, her contractions were stronger and she was getting a bit delirious. She said nothing mean to anyone, and apologized for the smallest inconveniences. For example, having an arm positioned in the wrong way accidentally. 

I'll tell you that Beth's birth plan was a courageous one. One that involved no epidural. So I tried to coach her as best as possible. In the end after enduring 3 hours of pain she received Fentanyl. This was only to help her relax during the strong contractions and didn't even touch her pain level. During these contractions, Beth was experiencing a strong urge to push. And sometimes she would; but the cervix was not fully dilated. In turn, the cervix and vagina became extremely swollen. Rory also kept having heart decelerations during this time. Rory would not come out with just her pushing because he was Occiput Posterior aka. sunny side up (back of his head is against Beth's back).  Rory also had the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice. The OB came in and had to intervene with at least 3 teams. She was amazing and really helped calm Beth down. She recommended a vacuum delivery because of Rory's heart decelerations, the swelling, how long Beth was pushing (two hours) and the pain she was enduring. She didn't think she would be able to get him out on her own. The OB began vacuuming Rory out at the same time Beth was pushing. After 3 excruciating rounds, with Beth yelling and pushing at the top of her might, without any epidural, Rory came out!!!

I cried immediately. I wasn't able to cut the cord because earlier when the midwife broke Beth's water it was greenish brown, which means Rory pooped inside. As a result, everyone thought that Rory would have to be resuscitated when he came out and so it was more of an emergency situation and I couldn't cut the cord. Still right after the cord was cut and they were carrying Rory to the warming station, Rory cried and Beth said, "He's crying - thank god!" A few moments later the second midwife who was with the resuscitation team turned to me and gave me a thumbs up! I cried again and told Beth he was alright. While the cord was being cut I quickly looked to see the gender and I saw the package. I cried again and told Beth, "it's a boy!!"

All was well. I went to touch my son with my hands while he was on the warming station. After that I told both sets of parents that we had a baby boy and Beth was perfect!! And so strong. I am crying as I write this it was such an emotional ride. I'm so proud of her!!

After all the visitations we tried to get some rest at around 10:00pm. It was good and Beth was successful in breastfeeding. But by 2:00am Rory was up and at it, always wanting to be rocked. This didn't stop really until 6:00am when the nurse, "the baby whisperer" came in and swaddled Rory in a way that just left him peaceful. It's 8:34am and he's still sleeping!!! 

All ready to head home from the hospital!

Our first night at home. So completely exhausted, but so completely in love. 

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