Tuesday, 31 January 2017


A little snap from this morning, still in our pajamas watching the snow fall before running a warm bath for Rory. I just bought a slew of bath toys, a bath mat and a bath faucet cover online yesterday so I am excited for those to arrive soon.

The last few nights have been rough. Rory has been getting up 3+ times and I just can't sleep well. I have to much on my mind and I came to the conclusion that our expensive memory foam bamboo pillows we've been using for over a year, were actually horribly uncomfortable. So, Andrew came home after work yesterday with new pillows, Starbucks and chocolate in hand - bless his soul. 

I've been thinking a lot about returning to work, my career aspirations and how Rory is going to adjust. Like, this kid still nurses at least twice a night, he refuses a bottle or sippy cup and has barely been looked after by anyone other than Andrew and I. Yeah, I'm just a little worried. But I do know a lot can change in a few months...so here's hoping!

I do look forward to going back to work to talk to adults and do adult things but on the other hand I know the position I'm going back to isn't where I'm going to achieve my career goals so it's hard to get excited about it. Caring for mothers and babies has always been my nursing interest. Previously, I worked in postpartum care at a hospital for high-risk mothers and babies but I found the 12 hour shift work and the heavy case load just wore me to the ground. Some people thrive in that type of environment and kudos to them, but I don't.  I've hmm'd and haaa'd in the past about becoming a Lactation Consultant, and I feel the pull now more than ever to pursue that. There are a lot of things I need to line up but I'm slowly going to start looking into the process of getting clinical hours to achieve this.

Nap times lately are reserved for coffee and career planning. But it kind of feels nice to put a focus back on my professional life.

I really hope I sleep better tonight with those new pillows...

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