Saturday, 14 January 2017


We used to do a calming night time routine with Rory. I called it the 4 B's. Bath, book, boob, bed. About 2 months ago, Rory starting sitting up really well on his own and wanted to climb things. This
included his bathtub. :| Every time I put him in his tub he instantly tried to climb out. So I thought alright, it's time to ditch the baby tub and go to the regular bathtub. Wrong [Donald Trump voice]. I would place him in the big tub and he would be sliding all over the place, which made me super nervous and he didn't enjoy it at all. He would look up at me and cry the whole time.

Bath's used to be his favourite thing to do, his little happy place. And they soon turned into a horrible experience for him and I'm not sure why or what happened. I've never heard of baby's developing an aversion to the bath after so much time has passed. Anyways, our evenings were getting a little overloaded and he was going down fine at night with no fuss so I decided to move his bath to the morning and also try to sit in the bath with him.

We are going on about a month of baths together now. He absolutely loves it and I don't mind it. If we have nothing to do in the morning its nice to just chill out in the bath, sing and play with his bath toys. I'm not in a huge rush for him to adjust to baths on his own again but I know we can't keep doing this forever. Maybe I'll try the kitchen sink? Open for suggestions!



  1. My girlfriend had the same problem, so she uses a laundry basket with holes in the tub for now until her little one got bigger and could sit and be on "his own" in the tub without falling over. Good luck! xo

    1. Yes! I have heard of that. The day after I posted this (of course) I tried him again on his own and he did so well. I couldn't believe it. I think we are in the clear but it was definitely a trying time! I've also heard non-slip mats are good too. Thanks for your suggestion! <3


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