I would judge moms letting their kid have a temper tantrum in a restaurant, I judged moms who gave their children sugary snacks, I judged moms who let their kids watch TV all day, I judged mom's who couldn't "control" their children while they ran around in a public place. The list goes on and on. I would always conjure up these big ideas of how my future child would act and how I would parent.
I guess it was probably because I had zero parenting experience but looking back that judging actually makes me laugh, because a lot of my parenting expectations went out the window. I mean literally I do all of the above and more. Now, I give a look of empathy to those mom's chasing their screaming toddler through the mall and those mom's in the restaurant giving their kids fries and ice cream because for the love of God that is all they will eat! Now, I totally and completely get it.
My kid cries in public all the time. Do I find the quickest way to make him happy which may involve opening a pack of cookies from off the shelf right then and there? You bet. Also, the TV is on Treehouse like all the time at our house. All the time. I know every single Wiggles song off by heart. But he likes it and it makes him smile. Do I breathe a sigh of relief when he plays independently with all of his plastic toys while I finish my cup of coffee and swipe through my phone? Yep.
I do feel guilty about a lot of things. I worry sometimes that I am ruining my child. Cue anxiety. But worrying never did nobody any good and I have learned that sometimes I just have to be like Elsa and "LET IT GO, LET IT GOOOOOOOOO!"
We are all just doing the best we can, aren't we? And when I'm feeling like "Wow, I was a really shitty mom today," there is always tomorrow to improve...
But like...where did this year go? Rory is turning 1 in 5 days. WHAT THE WHAT?!
And yeah I had big plans to make an all-natural-sugar-free smash cake for him and kudos to all the mom's who actually did that but honestly, it's looking like he'll be getting a big ol' cake full of sugary goodness.
Being a mom is tough! You are doing a great job! Breathe out the worrying and the guilt. Your little guy is happy and healthy...and really thats all that matters. There is so much pressure on moms to do this or that...or NOT to do this or that. Do what is right for you and own it! Keep your head held high and Wiggle on!