I've been pretty absent from this space lately. I guess I just haven't had much time to write and nothing super significant has happened as of recent except for the other day.
My little baby boy is ten months old! We had his well baby check up and got him weighed and measured and then went to visit my mom (grandma) and my sister (auntie Erin). It was such a beautiful day outside on Thursday it felt like spring! We all had lunch together and Rory was enjoying playing in the kitchen throwing a bowl around like he always does. Then, something awful happened that shook me to my core. Rory had an accident. A big, scary accident. Every parent's worst nightmare. It was a vision that will never ever escape me and I feel an insane amount of guilt about. Thank God he is completely fine with just a small mark on his head but it could've been so much worse. SO SO much worse. How do you forgive yourself from taking your eye off your baby for two seconds? How do you move on from something like that? I know accidents happen but accidents are also meant to be prevented. When I gained some composure and I knew Rory was okay, I told Andrew about it and how I felt like a horrible mother. And he said, "but he's watching him to you know." I wouldn't call myself a religious person by any means but I do believe there is something, somewhere that is bigger than us. Someone was watching over my baby that day and I couldn't be more grateful. It put a lot of things into perspective as I get so pre-occupied with other things sometimes. Things that don't really matter. Nothing in this life matters if you don't have the ones you love dearly surrounding you.
I am trying to just forget about it and move forward. Andrew keeps telling me, "It happened, he's okay and all we can do is move forward and makes sure it doesn't happen again." But the 'what if's' are just killing me inside. Anyways, here are some recent pictures and a ten month update on our blessed little boy.
This is definitely my favourite age thus far. Rory is non-stop from the time he wakes up to the minute he goes to bed. He's crawling now and he pulls himself up on everything and everybody. In fact, my loose pajama pants can frequently be found around my ankles thanks to this guy. He has his two bottom teeth and his top two are just piercing through as i write this. He is starting to wave and is still super serious in front of others. He does love to chat it up though, especially during meal time. His favourite thing to say is dadadadada or nanananana, He still says mama once in awhile but not much. He's starting to like more food but his favourites are peanut butter on toast and crackers, oat cereal with yogurt, bananas and cookies. He's a carb guy. I wonder where he got that from. Oh and diaper changes are like the bane of my existence right now, he'll do everything in his power to remain naked and his so much stronger than he looks!
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